Covermat Co., Ltd., Importer and distributor of the best solutions, technologies and innovations from around the world, exhibited a booth at the event “FUTURE MOBILITY ASIA 2022”.

On July 20-22, 2022, Covermat  Co., Ltd. is an importer and distributor of leading industrial products in Thailand participated in booth activities to present products, solutions, technologies and innovations in the future of automotive (E-Mobility) from global partners. To be part of driving the Green Industry, Clean Energy, caring for the environment in the event “FUTURE MOBILITY ASEA 2022” (FMA) held at The Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center (BITEC)  Hall 99

For Future Mobility Asia 2022, this time was organized for the main purpose of being an intermediary to find companies with expertise. And innovations in electric vehicles (EV) for investors who want to do business in the Automotive Industry, Drive Mobility , Clean Energy, which has potential for investment in both the public and private sectors. To allow manufacturers, distributors and innovative owners to expand new business opportunities together with potential business partners in Thailand and Asia

In addition, the objectives of Future Mobility Asia 2022 are consistent with Covermat’s mission  to bring  “The best products, solutions, technologies and innovations from around the world” enter the Thai market. And the Southeast Asia region is ready to support and always provide the best service. This ensures that every customer has a good experience. And get the most benefit from the business along with sustainable growth together in the future.

Currently, we are working with many global partners. In the electric vehicle and EV battery market by supporting many types of products. For battery applications such as battery cells Battery modules, battery packs, and special heat and fire resistant labels including raw materials used in the assembly of batteries and vehicles

At the event, the company presented solutions from more than 9 leading global brands, including Battery Assembly Solution, Plastic Component Solution, Bonding Solution, Hi-Temp & Flame Retardant, Film and Label Solution, Insulation & Cushion Solution, Thermal Interface Materials solution.

In addition, we provide a full range of printing parts for all labeling, film, tape and double adhesive tape as we are specialists in this E-mobility market.

“COVERMAT” is committed to requiring products. Green innovation that is environmentally friendly products to drive businesses to grow together with society. And environmental sustainability provides the best opportunities for customers in Thailand. In terms of quality, service and innovation with leading partners in various industries under the concept “Grow Your Business With Us”

You can ask for more information about the business and partnership at Email  Tel. 02-427-8216


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