Covermat Green Division Leads Sustainable Innovation at NIA Event

[9 SEPTEMBER 2024] – Ms. Waren Oikham, Business Development Manager of Covermat’s Green Division, spearheaded discussions on sustainable business practices at the National Innovation Agency’s (NIA) “Innovation for Green Productivity” event.

This strategic gathering brought together key players from banking, government, and private sectors to foster a greener Thailand. Ms. Waren showcased Covermat’s proactive initiatives and dedication to sustainable innovation.

Emphasizing the Green Division’s achievements, Ms. Waren highlighted Covermat’s commitment to eco-conscious solutions and responsible growth. Her insights underscored our dedication to collaborating with diverse stakeholders to achieve a shared vision of a sustainable Thailand.

The event served as a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange, inspiring collective action towards green productivity and economic advancement. Covermat’s active participation further solidifies our position as a leader in sustainable business practices within the region.